Toto je môj vôbec prvý foto postup v živote, takže pravdepodobne nebude úplne dokonalý, ale budem sa snažiť spracovať ho čo najlepšie. Počas samotnej výroby nástenky som prišla na niekoľko zlepšení, ktoré spomeniem v texte. Fotiť a zároveň pracovať, tiež nebolo jednoduché, preto prosím berte moje fotografie ako viac-menej ilustračné a riaďte sa hlavne textom. Samotná výroba nástenky nie je vôbec zložitá, takže ju zvládne každý ;)
This is my very first DIY instruction ever so it probably won't be perfect but I will try to do my best with it. In the course of making of the pinboard I've discovered some ways on how to make things better that I am going to mention in the text. It was pretty tough to work and take pictures at the same time, so please consider my pictures to be more or less illustrative and primarily follow the instructions. The making of the pinboard itself is pretty easy so that everyone can manage to make one ;)
Príbeh bodkovanej nástenky / The Polka Dot Pinboard Story
Tak ako za všetkým v mojom živote (a na tomto blogu ;), aj za bodkovanou nástenkou sa skrýva príbeh. A túžba zavesiť si v novom podnájme na stenu pár obrázkov, ktoré by zútulnili moju izbu.
Keď som sa sem takmer pred rokom nasťahovala, po zmontovaní nových kusov nábytku, jeho popresúvaní, upratovaní a vybalení sa, mi konečne pripadla aj jedna milá a príjemná aktivita a to zútulnenie novej izby. V predchádzajúcom podnájme som mala na stenách zavesených niekoľko zarámovaných obrázkov. A tu som narazila na problém. Majitelia mi neodporúčali nabíjať do stien žiadne klince, keďže bytovka bola pravdepodobne postavená z nekvalitných panelov, ktoré sa aj pri malom zásahu mrvia a opadávajú. Až potom som si všimla, že v celom byte nie je zavesený jediný obraz, či polica. Škaredá diera v stene, ma odradila až natoľko, že som bola takmer rok schopná prežiť v izbe s holými stenami. Hoci som sa s týmto stavom nikdy celkom nezmierila a pri pohľade na každú nádherne vyzdobenú stenu, začali mojou hlavou blúdiť myšlienky ako by sa aj v mojej izbe dalo predsa len niečo zavesiť.
Just like behind everything in my life (and on this blog ;), there's a story behind the Golden Polka Dot Pinboard as well. And my desire to hang a couple of pictures on the wall in my new rented room.
When I moved in almost a year ago, after new pieces of furniture had been assembled and moved, after the room had been cleaned and my things unpacked, finally one nice and pleasant activity fell upon me: to design my new room. I used to have some hinged framed pictures in my previous lodging. And this is where I encountered a problem. The owners of the apartment didn't advise me to nail the pictures on the wall, since the building has probably been made of inferior panels, that even with a small intervention crumble and fall off. Even then I've realised that there's no single hinged shelf or picture in the whole flat. Ugly hole in the wall discouraged me to that extent that I've been able to live in a room with bare walls for almost a year. However, I've never resigned to this state of things and each time I saw some beautifully designed wall, I started to ponder on how to hang something in my room after all.
Just like behind everything in my life (and on this blog ;), there's a story behind the Golden Polka Dot Pinboard as well. And my desire to hang a couple of pictures on the wall in my new rented room.
When I moved in almost a year ago, after new pieces of furniture had been assembled and moved, after the room had been cleaned and my things unpacked, finally one nice and pleasant activity fell upon me: to design my new room. I used to have some hinged framed pictures in my previous lodging. And this is where I encountered a problem. The owners of the apartment didn't advise me to nail the pictures on the wall, since the building has probably been made of inferior panels, that even with a small intervention crumble and fall off. Even then I've realised that there's no single hinged shelf or picture in the whole flat. Ugly hole in the wall discouraged me to that extent that I've been able to live in a room with bare walls for almost a year. However, I've never resigned to this state of things and each time I saw some beautifully designed wall, I started to ponder on how to hang something in my room after all.
Pinterest je pre mňa neustálym zdrojom inšpirácie a nových nápadov a veľmi často vzniknú moje vlastné nápady až potom, čo sa v mojej mysli skombinuje niekoľko obrázkov, ktoré ma tam zaujmú. Presne tak tomu bolo aj v prípade bodkovanej nástenky.
Zdroj inšpirácie č. 1: Už dlhšie som sa pohrávala s myšlienkou použiť na zavesenie čohosi, obojstrannú lepiacu pásku. Moje v skle zarámované obrázky na to neboli príliš vhodné: trocha ťažké a nie som si celkom istá tým, ako by obojstranná lepiaca páska fungovala v kombinácii s klipmi držiacimi sklo.
Zdroj inšpirácie č. 2: Aj mne učarovali, v bytovom dizajne teraz tak populárne: čisté línie, biela farba, najmä v kombinácii s lesklou zlatou, lesklou medenou, či zlatoružovou, a tradičnejšími farbami ako je čierna, sivá, fuchsiová, či pastelové odtiene. Pripočítajme ešte číre materiály (sklo, plast) a výsledný efekt je dokonalý. Veľa úspešných žien sa pri zariaďovaní a vybavení svojich kancelárií, necháva inšpirovať kolekciou kancelárskych potrieb od Kate Spade, ktorej dominujú už vyššie uvedené kombinácie bielej so zlatou, číre materiály, bodky a pásiky. Všetko veci, pri ktorých zostávam v nemom úžase nielen pri pohľade na ich ceny, ale aj s vedomím, že primárnou požiadavkou na kancelárske potreby je ich funkčnosť, pričom mnohé sa po čase pokazia, zlomia, či inak poškodia. Zvlášť si neviem celkom predstaviť, že by som mala zopínať papiere zlatou zošívačkou od Kate Spate. To však nič nemení na fakte, že ide o nádherné dizajnové doplnky.
Pinterest is constant source of inspiration and new ideas for me and quite often my own ideas use to emerge only after several interesting pictures combine in my mind. This is exactly how it was in case of the Golden Polka Dot Pinboard.
Source of Inspiration no. 1: I've been toying with the idea of using a double sided tape to hang something. It wasn't very useful for my glass framed pictures: a bit heavy and I wasn't sure how will the double sided tape work in combination with clips holding the glass.
Source of Inspiration no. 2: I am also bewitched by clean lines, white colour, mostly in combination with shiny gold, shiny copper or rose gold, and with more traditional colours like black, grey, fuchsia or pastel hues, nowadays so popular in home design. Add some transparent materials (glass, plastic) and the final effect is just perfect. Many successful women, when furnishing their office, get inspired by collection of office supplies by Kate Spade, dominated by above mentioned combinations of white and gold, transparent materials, dots and stripes. All things that make me stare in silent awe not only seeing the prices but also knowing that the primary requirement for office supplies is their functionality, while many get broken or get otherwise damaged after some time. In particular, I can't imagine to staple papers with golden stapler by Kate Spade. However, this changes nothing on the fact that they are beautiful design desk accessories.
Pinterest is constant source of inspiration and new ideas for me and quite often my own ideas use to emerge only after several interesting pictures combine in my mind. This is exactly how it was in case of the Golden Polka Dot Pinboard.
Source of Inspiration no. 1: I've been toying with the idea of using a double sided tape to hang something. It wasn't very useful for my glass framed pictures: a bit heavy and I wasn't sure how will the double sided tape work in combination with clips holding the glass.
Source of Inspiration no. 2: I am also bewitched by clean lines, white colour, mostly in combination with shiny gold, shiny copper or rose gold, and with more traditional colours like black, grey, fuchsia or pastel hues, nowadays so popular in home design. Add some transparent materials (glass, plastic) and the final effect is just perfect. Many successful women, when furnishing their office, get inspired by collection of office supplies by Kate Spade, dominated by above mentioned combinations of white and gold, transparent materials, dots and stripes. All things that make me stare in silent awe not only seeing the prices but also knowing that the primary requirement for office supplies is their functionality, while many get broken or get otherwise damaged after some time. In particular, I can't imagine to staple papers with golden stapler by Kate Spade. However, this changes nothing on the fact that they are beautiful design desk accessories.
Zdroj inšpirácie č. 3: Nápad na výrobu nástenky z korkových jedálenských podložiek z IKEI, od Peggy Wang z 37 Clever Ways To Organize Your Entire Life With Ikea
A odtiaľ bol už len krok k tomu, aby sa v mojej mysli zrodil nápad na bodkovanú nástenku. Chýbal už len...
Zdroj inšpirácie č. 4: Jedného dňa som na Pintereste našla postup, ako dizajnovo ozvláštniť kanceláriu veľkými zlatými bodkami nalepenými na stenu, od blogerky Lauren Conrad: Office Makeover: Our Décor Updates
A tak sa v mojej mysli zrodil nápad vytvoriť si v izbe zlatú bodkovanú nástenku. A tu je postup, ako si ju doma môžete vyrobiť aj vy :)
Source of Inspiration no. 3: The idea to make a pinboard out of cork glass mats from IKEA, by Peggy Wang from 37 Clever Ways To Organize Your Entire Life With Ikea
And from here, there was only one step towards the idea of the Polka Dot Pinboard. I missed only...
Source of Inspiration no. 4: One day I found on Pinterest the instructions on how to refurbish an office with large golden dots pasted on the wall, by blogger Lauren Conrad: Office Makeover: Our Décor Updates
And that's how an idea to make the Golden Polka Dot Pinboard in my room came into existence. And here are the instructions so you can make yourself one as well :)
Source of Inspiration no. 3: The idea to make a pinboard out of cork glass mats from IKEA, by Peggy Wang from 37 Clever Ways To Organize Your Entire Life With Ikea
And from here, there was only one step towards the idea of the Polka Dot Pinboard. I missed only...
Source of Inspiration no. 4: One day I found on Pinterest the instructions on how to refurbish an office with large golden dots pasted on the wall, by blogger Lauren Conrad: Office Makeover: Our Décor Updates
And that's how an idea to make the Golden Polka Dot Pinboard in my room came into existence. And here are the instructions so you can make yourself one as well :)
Materiál / Tools and Materials
Na výrobu bodkovanej nástenky budeme potrebovať:
- Okrúhle korkové podložky pod poháre. Počet závisí od veľkosti nástenky. Na výrobu tej mojej, som použila 25 kusov podložiek s priemerom 10 cm.
- Lakovací sprej zlatej farby. Samozrejme, ak chcete, aby mali vaše bodky inú farbu, smelo vyberajte tú, ktorá je vám najbližšia. Treba však mať na pamäti, že korok má zrnitý povrch, ktorý bude aj po nalakovaní viditeľný. Ja som na svoju nástenku použila matný metalický, akrylový lak zlatej farby, pomerne drahý, no existujú aj oveľa lacnejšie alternatívy.
- Staré noviny. Ako podklad pri lakovaní (aby všetko okolo zostalo čisté ;)
- Obojstrannú lepiacu pásku. Zoženiete v obchode so stavbárskym materiálom.
- Nožnice na strihanie obojstrannej lepiacej pásky.
- Tvrdú ceruzku, minimálne HB a viac. Mäkšia zanecháva veľa šmúh a mali by ste viac starostí pri finálnom gumovaní steny.
- Pravítko alebo iný nástroj na meranie. Ja, ako majster krivých čiar a nakrivo nalepených plagátov, som si pre istotu zaobstarala vodováhu ;)
- Rukavice. Zídu sa pri lakovaní, minimálne na prst, ktorým budete držať rozprašovač.
- Gumu. Na obrázku nie je, ale bude potrebná na vygumovanie pomocných čiar na stene.

To make a Golden Polka Dot Pinboard we will need:
- Round cork mats. Quantity depends on how large pinboard you want to make. To make mine, I used 25 pieces at a 10 cm diameter.
- Gold spray paint. Of course, if you want your dots to have a different colour, you are free to chose the colour you like the most. However, keep in mind that cork has a grainy surface that will stay even after several coats of varnish still visible. For my pinboard I used matte gold, metallic acrylic spray paint, rather expensive but there are plenty of other cheaper options.
- Old newspapers. To protect the surface (so that everything stays clean ;)
- Double sided adhesive tape. You can find it in a store with general building materials.
- Scissors to cut the double sided adhesive tape.
- Hard pencil, at least HB or harder. Softer pencil is too messy and it will cause you more trouble by final erasing of the ledger-lines.
- Ruler or some other measuring tool. Me, as a champion of awry lines and awry hung posters, I bought myself a water-level just in case.
- Gloves. They get handy while varnishing, at least for the finger you are going to use to press the sprayer.
- Eraser. It is not on the picture, however you are going to need it to erase the ledger-lines on your wall.
Postup / Instructions
Na zem (odporúčam lakovať na čo najväčšom priestore kde môžete naokolo zničiť lakom čo najmenej vecí, ak by vám náhodou niečo nevyšlo ;) U mňa bol tento priestor jedine na podlahe mojej izby) si rozložte novinový papier tak, aby sa jednotlivé listy prekrývali a zabránili ste zašpineniu povrchu pod ním. Na novinový papier poukladajte korkové podložky, čo najbližšie k sebe a k stredu podkladu z novinového papiera. Dbajte na to, aby sa jednotlivé podložky neprekrývali a nechajte medzi nimi aj málinko miesta, aby sa pri lakovaní pokryli aj ich okraje.
Place newspaper sheets on the ground (I suggest you to do the varnishing part on the largest space possible, where you could damage by varnish the least amount of things, just in case something goes wrong ;) For me the only such a space was on the floor of my room) so that they overlay and prevent the surface under from getting dirty. Place the cork mats on the newspaper sheets, as close to each other and to the center of the newspaper base as possible. Take care that no mats overlap and leave a small space between them, so that the edges get covered with varnish as well.
Place newspaper sheets on the ground (I suggest you to do the varnishing part on the largest space possible, where you could damage by varnish the least amount of things, just in case something goes wrong ;) For me the only such a space was on the floor of my room) so that they overlay and prevent the surface under from getting dirty. Place the cork mats on the newspaper sheets, as close to each other and to the center of the newspaper base as possible. Take care that no mats overlap and leave a small space between them, so that the edges get covered with varnish as well.
Na povrchu korkových podložiek zvykne zostať jemný povlak rozdrveného korku, ktorý vznikol jeho mrvením v obale a pri manipulácii s tovarom. Rukou jemne očistite povrch každej podložky.
The surface of the cork mats use to be covered with slight crumbled grains of cork, caused by its crumbling in package and during manipulation with the product. Clean slightly the surface of each of the mats with your hand.
The surface of the cork mats use to be covered with slight crumbled grains of cork, caused by its crumbling in package and during manipulation with the product. Clean slightly the surface of each of the mats with your hand.
Z laku sa pri použití uvoľňuje riedidlo, a preto ak ste v miestnosti, pred lakovaním, počas neho i po ňom, nechajte okno otvorené dokorán, prípadne si okolo nosa a a úst zaviažte šatku.
Oblečte si niečo, čoho vám nebude ľúto, ak to náhodou zničíte lakom. Moje domáce tepláky skončili so zlatým lemom ;) Ak používate lak po prvýkrát (ako ja ;), pred použitím si pozorne prečítajte návod. Pred aplikáciou bude pravdepodobne potrebné plechovku nejaký čas potriasť, aby sa jej obsah dostal do pohybu a všetky zložky sa poriadne premiešali. Nasaďte si rukavicu. Bude stačiť, ak si ňou zakryjete iba prst, ktorým budete držať rozprašovač. Ak si dáte rukavicu na celú ruku, po čase budete mať väčší problém udržať plechovicu. Pri lakovaní držte sprej v primeranej vzdialenosti, cca 15-20 cm nad povrchom. Snažte sa sprejovať kolmo na povrch, aby sa pokryli aj bočné strany korkových podložiek.
Spray paint emanates thinner when used, and so if you are in a room, leave the window open wide before, during and after varnishing, or you may as well cover your nose and mouth with a scarf. Put on something you won't regret when it gets spoiled with spray paint. My home sweatpants ended up with golden hem ;) If you are going to use the spray paint for the first time (just like me ;), read the instructions properly before using it. Probably you will have to shake the tin for a while, so that the contents are put in motion and all ingredients get mixed properly. Put on a glove. It will suffice if you cover just the finger with which you are going to press the sprinkler. If you put a glove on your whole hand, after some time you will probably have to struggle to hold on the tin. When varnishing, hold the spray paint tin in appropriate distance of approx. 15-20 cm above the surface. Try to spray verticaly to the surface, in order to cover sides of the cork mats as well.
Spray paint emanates thinner when used, and so if you are in a room, leave the window open wide before, during and after varnishing, or you may as well cover your nose and mouth with a scarf. Put on something you won't regret when it gets spoiled with spray paint. My home sweatpants ended up with golden hem ;) If you are going to use the spray paint for the first time (just like me ;), read the instructions properly before using it. Probably you will have to shake the tin for a while, so that the contents are put in motion and all ingredients get mixed properly. Put on a glove. It will suffice if you cover just the finger with which you are going to press the sprinkler. If you put a glove on your whole hand, after some time you will probably have to struggle to hold on the tin. When varnishing, hold the spray paint tin in appropriate distance of approx. 15-20 cm above the surface. Try to spray verticaly to the surface, in order to cover sides of the cork mats as well.
Povrch korku bude potrebovať minimálne 2 vrstvy laku. Preto chvíľu počkajte kým lak zaschne (doba sa u rôznych druhov laku môže líšiť) a aplikujte ďalšiu vrstvu.
Podložky nechajte schnúť po dobu stanovenú výrobcom laku v návode na obale. No a kým nám podložky schnú, na stene si zatiaľ môžeme odmerať a nakresliť mriežku, do ktorej budeme nalepovať bodky.
Cork surface will need at least two coats of spray paint. Wait for a while till the spray paint gets dry (the time for different kinds of spray paint may vary) and apply another coat.
Let the mats get dry according to the time specified by the manufacturer of your spray paint. And while mats are drying, we can draw a grid on the wall, into which we are going to hang our dots.
Cork surface will need at least two coats of spray paint. Wait for a while till the spray paint gets dry (the time for different kinds of spray paint may vary) and apply another coat.
Let the mats get dry according to the time specified by the manufacturer of your spray paint. And while mats are drying, we can draw a grid on the wall, into which we are going to hang our dots.
Na úvod tejto časti považujem za potrebné uviesť, že som merací a počítací antitalent.
Tak to by sme teda mali. Poďme merať :)
Plán mojej nástenky vyzeral nasledovne: podložky s priemerom 10 cm umiestnim cikcakovito, pričom zvislo a vodorovne bude medzi každou rovnako 10 cm. To znamená, že rozmery nástenky budú 70x70 cm. Najprv som si zvislou čiarou naznačila ľavý okraj nástenky. Vodováha mi pomohla urobiť ju aj bez ďalších meraní kolmú so zemou.
In the beginning of this section, I consider necessary to mention that I am left-handed for all activities involving measuring and counting. OK, that's it. Let's go measuring :)
The plan for my pinboard was as follows: I will place the mats at a 10 cm diameter zigzag, while I will leave vertically and horizontally 10 cm gap between each one. That means that dimensions of my pinboard will be 70x70 cm. First, I drafted left border of the pinboard with a pencil. The water-level helped me to make it vertical to the ground, even without further measuring.
In the beginning of this section, I consider necessary to mention that I am left-handed for all activities involving measuring and counting. OK, that's it. Let's go measuring :)
The plan for my pinboard was as follows: I will place the mats at a 10 cm diameter zigzag, while I will leave vertically and horizontally 10 cm gap between each one. That means that dimensions of my pinboard will be 70x70 cm. First, I drafted left border of the pinboard with a pencil. The water-level helped me to make it vertical to the ground, even without further measuring.
Potom som priložila vodováhu k hornému okraju budúcej nástenky a naznačila som horný okraj. Rovnako som postupovala aj pri naznačení spodného okraja. Po odmeraní 70-tich centimetrov na spodnom a hornom okraji, som už len zvislou čiarou spojila pravé konce horného a dolného okraja.
Then I put the water-level on the top border of my future pinboard and I drafted the top border line. I also did the same for the bottom border. Having measured 70 centimetres on the bottom and top edge, I only linked the right endings of the top and bottom lines.
Then I put the water-level on the top border of my future pinboard and I drafted the top border line. I also did the same for the bottom border. Having measured 70 centimetres on the bottom and top edge, I only linked the right endings of the top and bottom lines.
Po načrtnutí okrajov nástenky, som si ju rozdelila na mriežku pozostávajúcu z 10x10 centimetrových štvorcov, to ktorých budem na striedačku vlepovať nalakované podložky.
After borders of the pinboard were drafted, I divided it into a grid of squares of 10x10 centimetres, to which I will paste the varnished mats by skipping every second square.
After borders of the pinboard were drafted, I divided it into a grid of squares of 10x10 centimetres, to which I will paste the varnished mats by skipping every second square.
Po zaschnutí korkových podložiek som na zadnú stranu každej z nich postupne nalepila odstrihnutý štvorček obojstrannej lepiacej pásky.
After the cork mats got dry I pasted on the back side of each of them a cut rectangle of the double sided tape.
After the cork mats got dry I pasted on the back side of each of them a cut rectangle of the double sided tape.
Pred priložením na stenu odlepíme zo štvorčeka ochrannú fóliu, podložku napasujeme rovnomerne do určeného štvorca na stene a poriadne pritlačíme.
Before pasting them on the wall, remove the protective paper from the rectangle, place a mat on the wall so that it suits into a given rectangle and press it to the wall properly.
Before pasting them on the wall, remove the protective paper from the rectangle, place a mat on the wall so that it suits into a given rectangle and press it to the wall properly.
Takto postupne nalepíme na stenu všetky podložky.
This is how we gradually paste all mats on the wall.
This is how we gradually paste all mats on the wall.
Po nalepení všetkých podložiek prichádza na rad pre mňa najhoršia fáza: gumovanie pomocných čiar.
After hanging all mats, there comes the part I hated the most: erasing of the ledger-lines.
After hanging all mats, there comes the part I hated the most: erasing of the ledger-lines.
Ale potom: Voilà! Moja prvá nádherná kreácia, prostredníctvom ktorej si môžem na stenu konečne pripnúť veľa krásnych obrázkov je hotová! :)
Ako si zaplniť nástenku zaujímavými a nápaditými vecami, spracujem v ďalšom z mojich kreatívnych príspevkov.
But after that: Voilà! My first wonderful creation, thanks to which I can finally hang a lots of beautiful pictures is done! :)
In my next creative post I am going to tell you how to fill your pinboard with interesting and inventive things.
But after that: Voilà! My first wonderful creation, thanks to which I can finally hang a lots of beautiful pictures is done! :)
In my next creative post I am going to tell you how to fill your pinboard with interesting and inventive things.
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