Napísať recenziu knihy od Neila Gaimana, ktorý je mojim najobľúbenejším fantasy autorom (ako aj najobľúbenejším fantasy autorom tisícov a tisícov ľudí po celom svete), pre mňa znamená hovoriť o niečom, čo je zrejmé a tým aj zbytočné, ako hádzanie hrachu na stenu, či nosenie dreva do lesa. Ak máte radi fantasy, potom ste už na Neila Gaimana určite natrafili a netreba vám jeho tvorbu nijako bližšie predstavovať. Mnoho Gaimanových kníh však celkom nezapadá do fantasy, ale oveľa viac do žánru, ktorému sa hovorí magický realizmus: magický príbeh zasadený do reálneho sveta. A Oceán na konci ulice je jednou z nich. Ak ste však doposiaľ nemali tú česť a máte radi fantasy, či ešte len uvažujete nad tým, že by ste si mohli prečítať aj niečo z tohto žánru, no nie ste si celkom istí, či sa vám tento žáner bude páčiť, potom vám knihy Neila Gaimana vrelo odporúčam.
To write a review of a book by Neil Gaiman, who is my favorite fantasy writer (as well as favorite fantasy writer of thousands of people around the world), means for me like to state something obvious. If you like fantasy then you've certainly already came across Neil Gaiman and there's no need to introduce his works. Many Gaiman's books however do not fit the fantasy genre in but they fit rather in the genre called magical realism: magical story planted into real world. And The Ocean at the End of the Lane is one of them. If you haven't had the privilege to read Gaiman's books yet but you like fantasy, or you are pondering to read something from this genre but you are unsure if you will like it, then I warmly recommend you Gaiman's books.
V ten horúci piatkový večer, keď som začala čítať Oceán na konci ulice, samotnému čítaniu predchádzalo máčanie si opuchnutých nôh v lavóri so studenou vodou, sprevádzané relaxačným šumením vĺn z YouTube :) Až po chvíli mi zišla na um nečakaná asociácia s knihou, ktorú som sa chystala začať čítať: oceán v lavóri s vodou a útla knižka v mojej knižnici, s príbehom z pera výnimočného spisovateľa s neobmedzenou fantáziou.
On that hot Friday evening, when I started to read The Ocean at the End of the Lane, before starting to read actually, I was soaking my swollen feet in a basin with cold water accompanied by relaxing murmurs of the sea played from YouTube :) Only after a while an unexpected link with the book I was about to read occurred to me: the ocean in a basin and tiny book in my library, comprising story by an outstanding writer with unlimited imagination.
"I was not happy as a child, although from time to time I was content. I lived in books more than I lived anywhere else."
Oceán na konci ulice je príbehom, ktorý vznikol na základe spomienok Neila Gaimana na vlastné detstvo: dom, auto, záhradu, mesto, vlastný detský svet. Na tomto základe už potom Neil Gaiman rozvíja vlastnú fantáziu a to do smerov, výšok i hĺbok, aké dokáže vytvoriť jedine on. A stále necháva obrovský priestor aj pre fantáziu, otázky, domnienky, vysvetlenia a odpovede svojich čitateľov. To je úžasné majstrovstvo.
Hlavnou postavou a rozprávačom v jednej osobe, je muž v stredných rokoch, ktorý sa vracia do rodného mestečka, aby sa zúčastnil pohrebu. Po pohrebe ho cesta autom zláka ísť až na koniec ulice. Cestou sa pomaly rozpomína na svoje detstvo, až kým sa nedostane k farme na konci ulice. Sediac na lavičke pri rybníku si spomína na udalosti, ktoré sa odohrali keď mal sedem rokov. Rybník alebo oceán, patrí k farme rodiny, ktorú tvoria tri generácie Hempstockovských žien: Lettie, Ginie a stará pani Hempstocková. Najmladšia Lettie bola vtedy krátko jeho jedinou, no najlepšou kamarátkou, akú si mohol priať a prostredníctvom nej sa dostáva nielen do magického sveta, ale k samotnej podstate existencie. To sa však už dostávam k niečomu, čo treba objaviť pri čítaní samotnej knihy, aby to neznelo ako niečo úplne vytrhnuté z kontextu.
Mnoho vecí a skutočností v reálnom živote, ktoré považujeme za dané, nemenné a jasné, vyzerajú vo svojej podstate úplne inak ako ich vnímame - v skutočnosti sú niečím, či niekým iným. Presne ako rybník, či voda vo vedre, ktorá je v skutočnosti nekonečným oceánom. Alebo aj len niekoľko stranové vydanie Oceánu na konci ulice, a špeciálne to moje, medzinárodné, ktoré sa ľahko zmestí aj do mojej maličkej kabelky, a pritom obsahuje príbeh a otázky, ktoré vám zostanú v mysli ešte veľmi dlho po jej prečítaní.
The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a story based on Gaiman's recollections of his own childhood: the house, the car, the garden, the town and his own childish world. On this basis then Gaiman unwinds his own imagination in the ways, hights and depths only he can make. And he still leaves huge space for imagination, questions, speculations, explanations and answers of his readers. That is a great mastery.
The main character and narrator in one is a midle-aged man returning to his home town to attend a funeral. On his way back, he is lured to drive until the end of the lane. On the way there, he gradually recalls his childhood till he reaches a farm at the end of the lane. Sitting on a bench by a pond he remembers events that happened when he was seven. The pond or the ocean, belongs to a farm of a family composed of three generations of Hempstock women: Lettie, Ginie and Old Mrs Hempstock. The youngest Lettie was then for a while his only and the best friend he could wish for and with her he gets not only into a magical world but gets to the very essence of the existence. However, I am getting too far with this. You have to discover it by reading the book, so that it does not sound without a context.
Many things and facts in a real life which we consider to be given, unchanging and clear, actually look completely different as we perceive them - in reality they are something or someone different. Just like the pond, or water in a bucket, which is in reality an endless ocean. Or only a few pages edition of The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and especially the international one I have, which even fits into my tiny handbag, and still it comprises a story and questions that will remain on your mind for a long time after you are done with the book.
The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a story based on Gaiman's recollections of his own childhood: the house, the car, the garden, the town and his own childish world. On this basis then Gaiman unwinds his own imagination in the ways, hights and depths only he can make. And he still leaves huge space for imagination, questions, speculations, explanations and answers of his readers. That is a great mastery.
The main character and narrator in one is a midle-aged man returning to his home town to attend a funeral. On his way back, he is lured to drive until the end of the lane. On the way there, he gradually recalls his childhood till he reaches a farm at the end of the lane. Sitting on a bench by a pond he remembers events that happened when he was seven. The pond or the ocean, belongs to a farm of a family composed of three generations of Hempstock women: Lettie, Ginie and Old Mrs Hempstock. The youngest Lettie was then for a while his only and the best friend he could wish for and with her he gets not only into a magical world but gets to the very essence of the existence. However, I am getting too far with this. You have to discover it by reading the book, so that it does not sound without a context.
Many things and facts in a real life which we consider to be given, unchanging and clear, actually look completely different as we perceive them - in reality they are something or someone different. Just like the pond, or water in a bucket, which is in reality an endless ocean. Or only a few pages edition of The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and especially the international one I have, which even fits into my tiny handbag, and still it comprises a story and questions that will remain on your mind for a long time after you are done with the book.
"Nobody actually looks like what they really are on the inside. You don't. I don't. People are much more complicated than that. It's true of everybody."
Gaiman sa v príbehu zároveň majstrovským spôsobom hrá s pamäťou a spomienkami. V živote sa nanešťastie občas stanú veci, na ktoré by sme najradšej zabudli. Niekedy túto službu urobí naše podvedomie za nás, inokedy nie. Avšak v živote je aj množstvo vecí a zážitkov, ktoré by sme si najradšej uchovali v pamäti čo najlepšie, no nie je nám dovolené si na ne spomenúť a už vôbec nie si ich trvalo pamätať. A čo ak sa v zákutiach našej mysle skrýva oveľa viac spomienok, ako si sme schopní zapamätať? Oveľa viac než sme ich prežili za celý svoj život, od narodenia až po súčasnosť. Čo ak v našom vedomí existuje ďaleko viac spomienok, ktoré sa nám však odkrývajú len v určitých momentoch a aj to len veľmi nejasne? Ako déjà vu? Čo ak v sebe nosíme nie rybník, ale celý oceán spomienok? Nie je možno aj vedecké skúmanie formou rozpomínania sa?
In the story Gaiman also masterfully toys with memory and recollections. In life, unfortunately sometimes happen things that we would rather forget. Sometimes our subconsciousness does us the favor and sometimes it didn't. However, in life there are also plenty of things and experiences we would like to keep in our memory as best as we can but we are not allowed to remember them not to remember them permanently at all. And what if in there are many more memories hidden in the corners of our minds as we are able to remember? Many more than we relieved in our whole life from birth till today. What if there's far more memories in our mind that reveal themselves only in some moments and only very darkly? Like déjà vu? What if we keep inside not a pond but a whole ocean of memories? Isn't scientific research maybe also some kind of remembering?
In the story Gaiman also masterfully toys with memory and recollections. In life, unfortunately sometimes happen things that we would rather forget. Sometimes our subconsciousness does us the favor and sometimes it didn't. However, in life there are also plenty of things and experiences we would like to keep in our memory as best as we can but we are not allowed to remember them not to remember them permanently at all. And what if in there are many more memories hidden in the corners of our minds as we are able to remember? Many more than we relieved in our whole life from birth till today. What if there's far more memories in our mind that reveal themselves only in some moments and only very darkly? Like déjà vu? What if we keep inside not a pond but a whole ocean of memories? Isn't scientific research maybe also some kind of remembering?
Je tiež úžasné a zaujímave, ako sa dve knihy, ktoré čítam súčasne (zväčša jednu v angličtine a druhú v slovenčine), alebo v slede za sebou, dokážu vzájomne dopĺňať. V čase čítania knihy Oceán na konci ulice, som mala rozčítanú aj zbierku článkov Martina Mojžiša z týždenníka .týždeň, v ktorých populárnou formou vysvetľuje fyzikálne zákony, s ktorými síce denno-denne prichádzame do kontaktu, no nikdy sa nad nimi bližšie nezamýšľame, alebo pre nás nefyzikov zostávajú nevysvetlené, či pochopené celkom nesprávne. V niekoľkých článkoch sa autor okrajovo dotýka aj teórií kvantovej fyziky a mechaniky. A práve vplyv týchto vysoko vedeckých teórií je aj jednou z otázok, položených Neilovi Gaimanovi v mimoriadne zaujímavom videu o knihe Oceán na konci ulice, ktoré pripájam na záver tejto recenzie.
It's also amazing and interesting how two different books I read at the same time (usually one in English and the other in Slovak), or in succession, can complement one another. In the time of reading The Ocean at the End of the Lane, I was reading a collection of articles by Martin Mojžiš from the Slovak weekly .týždeň, in which in popular way he explains the laws of physics, which we encounter daily but we do not muse on them closely, or they stay unexplained for us non-physicists or even wrongly understood. In some of the articles the author also touches the theories of quantum physics and mechanics. And precisely the influence of these highly scientific theories is also one of the questions posed to Neil Gaiman in an interesting video about The Ocean at the End of the Lane, which you can find at the end of this review.
It's also amazing and interesting how two different books I read at the same time (usually one in English and the other in Slovak), or in succession, can complement one another. In the time of reading The Ocean at the End of the Lane, I was reading a collection of articles by Martin Mojžiš from the Slovak weekly .týždeň, in which in popular way he explains the laws of physics, which we encounter daily but we do not muse on them closely, or they stay unexplained for us non-physicists or even wrongly understood. In some of the articles the author also touches the theories of quantum physics and mechanics. And precisely the influence of these highly scientific theories is also one of the questions posed to Neil Gaiman in an interesting video about The Ocean at the End of the Lane, which you can find at the end of this review.
Po prečítaní ktorejkoľvek knihy od Neila Gaimana mám vždy chuť začať ju čítať odznova. Najprv ju dychtivo zhltnem, kapitolu po kapitole, a potom mám pocit, že si ju chce vychutnať ešte akosi lepšie - nielen nedočkavo chcieť poznať ďalší vývoj udalostí, ale vychutnať si ju ako celok, a zároveň veľmi detailne aj s tým, že už presne viem, ako skončí. V Gaimanových knihách je toho vždy oveľa viac, než len príbeh, vyvrcholenie a záver. A hoci túžim čítať a objavovať stále nové a nové knihy a príbehy, som si istá, že počas leta 2015 určite strávim pri knihe Oceán na konci ulice ešte niekoľko dní.
After finishing of any of the books by Neil Gaiman I feel like I would like to start to read all over again. First, I swallow it thirstily, chapter after chapter, and then I have the feeling that I want to enjoy it somehow better - not only want impatiently to know how the story is going to develop, but enjoy it as a whole as well as very thoroughly, even already knowing how it will end. In books by Gaiman there's still something more than only a story, culmination and the end. And though I desire to read and discover still new books and stories, I am sure that during Summer 2015 I am going to spend another few days by The Ocean at the End of the Lane.
After finishing of any of the books by Neil Gaiman I feel like I would like to start to read all over again. First, I swallow it thirstily, chapter after chapter, and then I have the feeling that I want to enjoy it somehow better - not only want impatiently to know how the story is going to develop, but enjoy it as a whole as well as very thoroughly, even already knowing how it will end. In books by Gaiman there's still something more than only a story, culmination and the end. And though I desire to read and discover still new books and stories, I am sure that during Summer 2015 I am going to spend another few days by The Ocean at the End of the Lane.
Moje hodnotenie / My rating:
Toľko moja recenzia a hodnotenie. Teraz už prenechám slovo samotnému Neilovi Gaimanovi a jeho odpovediam na niekoľko najlepších otázok z čitateľských klubov, ktoré čítali Oceán na konci ulice. Video naozaj stojí za pozretie ;)
That's all for my review and rating. And now I will pass the word to Neil Gaiman himself and to his answers to the best bookclub questions that read the Ocean at the End of the Lane. It's realy worth watching ;)
That's all for my review and rating. And now I will pass the word to Neil Gaiman himself and to his answers to the best bookclub questions that read the Ocean at the End of the Lane. It's realy worth watching ;)
Kniha Oceán na konci ulice vyšla aj v slovenskom preklade vo vydavateľstve Slovart. Ak máte chuť prečítať si ju v anglickom originály, môžeze si ju objednať od The Book Depository, s doručením zadarmo do celého sveta. Stačí kliknúť na link nižšie.
You can purchase The Ocean at the End of the Lane from The Book Depository, just by clicking on the link below and you can also enjoy a free worldwide delivery.
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