Hoci mám vo zvyku čítať vždy zároveň jednu anglickú a jednu slovenskú knihu, momentálne čítam súčasne dve anglické knihy. Obe som si našla pod vianočným stromčekom.
Jednou z nich je kniha The Snow Queen and Other Winter Tales, z nádhernej edície vydavateľstva Barnes&Noble, viazaná v koži. Je to zbierka, ktorá obsahuje príbehy od takých literárnych majstrov ako Hans Christian Andersen, bratia Grimmovci, Charles Dickens, Louisa May Alcott, Oscar Wilde, Andrew Lang, či Alexandre Dumas. Kniha je ideálnym čítaním na dlhé zimné večery pod teplou dekou a s hrnčekom horúceho nápoja. Keďže je už po vianočných sviatkoch, z knihy si na čítanie vyberám hlavne zimné príbehy a tie s vianočnou tématikou si nechávam až na záver tohto roka :)
Ďalšou vynikajúcou knihou, ideálnou na dlhé, zimné večery, ktorú ale netreba bližšie predstavovať, je Harry Potter. Práve čítam tretiu zo série siedmych kníh. Harryho Pottera čítam po prvýkrát a veľmi si túto skutočnosť, tak závidenú fanúšikmi Harryho Pottera, užívam. Knihy sú fantastické a na mňa ešte stále čakajú štyri ďalšie :)
Though I use to usually read one English and one Slovak book at the same time, currently I am reading two English books. I found them both under my Christmas tree.
One of them is The Snow Queen and Other Winter Tales, from the wonderful leather-bound series of Barnes&Noble publishing. It's a collection of stories by such masters like Hans Christian Andersen, the Grimm brothers, Charles Dickens, Louisa May Alcott, Oscar Wilde, Andrew Lang, or Alexandre Dumas. The book is ideal reading for long winter evenings, under warm blanket and with cup of hot beverage. Since it's already after Christmas, I pick rather winter stories and I leave the Christmas ones for the end of this year :)
Another outstanding book, destined for long winter evenings, which I don't need to introduce, is Harry Potter. Currently reading the third book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I am reading Harry Potter for the first time and I am enjoying this fact, so envied by Harry Potter fans, very much. The books are terrific and there are still four books waiting for me :)
Though I use to usually read one English and one Slovak book at the same time, currently I am reading two English books. I found them both under my Christmas tree.
One of them is The Snow Queen and Other Winter Tales, from the wonderful leather-bound series of Barnes&Noble publishing. It's a collection of stories by such masters like Hans Christian Andersen, the Grimm brothers, Charles Dickens, Louisa May Alcott, Oscar Wilde, Andrew Lang, or Alexandre Dumas. The book is ideal reading for long winter evenings, under warm blanket and with cup of hot beverage. Since it's already after Christmas, I pick rather winter stories and I leave the Christmas ones for the end of this year :)
Another outstanding book, destined for long winter evenings, which I don't need to introduce, is Harry Potter. Currently reading the third book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I am reading Harry Potter for the first time and I am enjoying this fact, so envied by Harry Potter fans, very much. The books are terrific and there are still four books waiting for me :)
The Book Depository: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban || The Snow Queen and Other Winter Tales
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Zdroj/Source: Twitter / www.rtvs.sk |
Decentný a vyrovnaný prejav, príjemný hlas z rádia, a od zimy 2015 aj nová tvár na televíznej obrazovke, to je mladý moderátor a redaktor, Michal Katuška. A už len tak mimochodom aj môj kamarát a spolužiak z politológie, čo je v podstate veľmi dôležité, keďže jeho politologické vzdelanie a živý záujem o veci verné, ho predurčuje pasovať sa s veľkými témami. Keďže sme s Michalom bývalí spolužiaci, tak som mala skvelú možnosť zažiť ho nielen počas jeho vysokoškolského štúdia, ale z času na čas aj teraz, najmä pri spoločných stretnutiach so spolužiakmi. Michal je aj bez predchádzajúcej prípravy skvelým rozprávačom, ktorého vždy rada počúvam s veľkým záujmom.
Jeho rozhlasová kariéra začala krátko po skončení magisterského štúdia, keď v decembri 2010 nastúpil do Slovenského rozhlasu na pozíciu redaktora regionálneho spravodajstva. Počas tohto obdobia na sebe neustále tvrdo pracoval, zaujímal sa o dianie na Slovensku i vo svete, každý večer po práci si trénoval prejav, čítal nahlas príspevky svoje aj kolegov, nahrával sa, a potom počúval, kde urobil chybu. Tak sa necelý rok po prijatí do Slovenského rozhlasu dostal aj za živý mikrofón do štúdia - začal moderovať krátke správy na Rádiu Regina, neskôr aj celý žurnál a tiež hodinovú diskusnú reláciu Klub komunálnej politiky. V roku 2013 ho Braňo Dobšinský, vtedajší šéf spravodajstva v rozhlase vzal do domácej redakcie. Začal sa venovať veľkým témam, ktoré sú mu aj vďaka politologickému vzdelaniu blízke. Rok 2013 teda začínal ako redaktor domáceho spravodajstva a končil ho už aj ako moderátor aktuálnej publicistickej relácie K veci, moderátor Rádiožurnálu Rádia Slovensko a moderátor relácie Z prvej ruky. Bolo to obdobie, kedy v práci trávil dvojciferné počty hodín a domov sa často chodil len na pár hodín vyspať. Dnes sa sústreďuje predovšetkým na svoju prácu redaktora, moderátora K veci a od zimy moderuje aj ranné a poludnajsie správy RTVS v televízii.
A čo Michala Katušku na práci redaktora a moderátora baví a priťahuje najviac? To Vám prezradí samotný Michal Katuška: "Práca ma nesmierne baví, je veľkou cťou a zároveň veľkou vnútornou motiváciou prinášať ľuďom vecné spravodajstvo o dianí v tejto krajine. Dávať politikom otázky, na ktoré musia, no nie vždy chcú odpovedať. Každý pracovný deň vyzerá inak. Jeden deň som s mikrofónom u bezdomovcov, ďalší na Úrade vlády. Kým je v človeku zvedavosť, tak to má zmysel robiť."
Počúvajte a sledujete na RTVS:
Rádio Slovensko:
K veci - publicistická diskusná relácia na aktuálne spoločenské témy, naživo každý pracovný deň o 18:18, alebo v archíve Rádia Slovensko: link tu
Ranné správy RTVS - naživo každý pracovný deň o 8:00, alebo v archíve Jednotky: link tu
Správy RTVS - naživo každý pracovný deň o 12:00, alebo v archíve Jednotky: link tu
For English speaking readers of this blog, this part is about Michal Katuška - young newscaster and reporter of the Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS), of decent and composed appearance, pleasant voice from the radio and since winter 2015 also a new face of a TV screen. And by the way also my friend and fellow student from Political Science, which is quite important since his Masters Degree in Political Science and avid interest in public affairs predestines him to tackle great topics. Since we are former classmates I had a great opportunity to experience Michal not only during his university studies, but from time to time also now especially during our gatherings of classmates. Michal has a pleasant voice, and even without previous preparation is a great storyteller, whom I always like to listen with great interest.
Shortly after completing his degree in 2010, he started to work as a regional news editor in Slovak Radio. During this time he worked hard, was interested in local and international events, every evening after work started another shift for him since he was practising speech, reading aloud his own contributions and those of his colleagues, recording himself and then listening his own speech checking for mistakes he made. After nearly a year, he was allowed to present live - read short news on one of the regional radio stations, later the whole main news and an hour-long discussion programme about communal politics in Slovakia. In 2013 he moved to the national news section and started to deal with big topics that have always been, also thanks to his university degree, very close to him. He started the year 2013 as a reporter of national news and ended it as a presenter of a programme about current affairs, presenter of the main news and presenter of a discussion programme on the political, civil and social topics of the day. During this time he used to spend double-digit hours at work and went home only to sleep for few hours. Nowadays he concentrates mainly on his job of reporter and presenter and from winter 2015 also on his job as an anchorman of the RTVS Morning News and RTVS News at noon in the TV.
And what likes Michal and attracts him about the work of editor and presenter the most? This will tell you Michal himself: "I immensely enjoy the work, which is a great honor as well as great personal motivation to bring objective news about what is happening in this country. To ask politicians questions that they have to, but do not always want to answer. Every working day is different. One day I am with a microphone with the homeless, next day in the Government Office. As long as you are curious, it is still worth to do."
V pondelok 11. januára som dostala nádherné prekvapenie, ktoré pre mňa pripravila moja najlepšia kamarátka s rodinkou. Keďže je momentálne na materskej a plne sa venuje svojmu trojmesačnému synčekovi, nemá veľa času na nakupovanie darčekov, čo však ale neznamená, že sa nevie vynájsť a vynájsť sa tým úplne najúžasnejším spôsobom. Vynašla sa aj na Vianoce, keď mi darovala rukou napísaný poukaz na nákup kozmetiky od jednej našej spoločnej známej, ktorá žije v Taliansku. No a na moje meniny si pre mňa pripravila prekvapenie v podobe výnimočného dezertu, zloženého z čerstvých jahôd poliatých pravou belgickou čokoládou a posypaných rôznymi príchuťami. Dezert v peknej krabičke previazanej saténovou mašľou mi priniesol milý pán kuriér priamo od výrobcu a podal mi tak balíček, ako aj všetky dôležité informácie o čerstvom darčeku a jeho spotrebe, a napokon mi aj sám zaželal všetko najlepšie k meninám. Keďže som už bola veľmi zvedavá, priloženú malú, zlatú obálku som otvorila ešte vo výťahu a pod tromi písmenami som rozlúštila iniciály mien troch členov mladej rodinky :) Mala som slzy na krajíčku, keďže tak nádherný a do najmenších detailov premyslený darček som na meniny ešte nedostala. Ďakujem D&E&F <3
Výrobcom nielen týchto delikátnych dezertov, ale aj nádherných ovocných kytíc (jednu som už tiež mala možnosť zahliadnuť aj naživo vo výťahu v práci), je spoločnosť Chutné kytice a tu je ich stránka: http://www.chutnekytice.sk/ Dezerty a kytice si je možné objednať telefonicky, cez internet alebo aj osobne v ich obchode v Bratislave - Trnávke. Je to fantastický darček pre človeka, ktorého chcete potešiť niečím výnimočným.
On Monday 11th January I received a wonderful surprise, prepared for me by my best friend with her family. Since she is on maternity leave now and fully devoted to her three-month son, she doesn't have much time to buy presents, though this doesn't mean that she couldn't cope with it and cope with it in the best possible way. For Christmas she managed to give me a handwritten voucher for purchase of cosmetics from one of our common friends, who lives in Italy. And for my name-day she prepared for me surprise in form of a special dessert, consisting of fresh strawberries poured in original Belgian chocolate and scattered with different flavours. The dessert in a beautiful box tied up with satin bow was brought to me by a very kind courier directly from the manufacturer, who gave me not only the packet, but also all important information on the fresh gift and it's usage and eventually he wished me happy name-day himself. Since I was too curious, I've opened the enclosed golden envelope during my way back in a lift and in under three letters I deciphered the initials of the three members of the young family :) I was close to tears, since I've never been given such a wonderful and thoroughly elaborated gift for my name-day.
If you happen to be an English speaker living in Slovakia, and you want to please someone with something special, you can find not only these delicate desserts but also wonderful fruity bouquets (which I also had the pleasure to catch a glimpse of in a lift at work) by the company called Chutné kytice (Delicious Bouquets) and this is their webpage: http://www.chutnekytice.sk/ You can order the desserts and bouquets over the phone, online or personally by visiting their shop in Bratislava - Trnávka.
On Monday 11th January I received a wonderful surprise, prepared for me by my best friend with her family. Since she is on maternity leave now and fully devoted to her three-month son, she doesn't have much time to buy presents, though this doesn't mean that she couldn't cope with it and cope with it in the best possible way. For Christmas she managed to give me a handwritten voucher for purchase of cosmetics from one of our common friends, who lives in Italy. And for my name-day she prepared for me surprise in form of a special dessert, consisting of fresh strawberries poured in original Belgian chocolate and scattered with different flavours. The dessert in a beautiful box tied up with satin bow was brought to me by a very kind courier directly from the manufacturer, who gave me not only the packet, but also all important information on the fresh gift and it's usage and eventually he wished me happy name-day himself. Since I was too curious, I've opened the enclosed golden envelope during my way back in a lift and in under three letters I deciphered the initials of the three members of the young family :) I was close to tears, since I've never been given such a wonderful and thoroughly elaborated gift for my name-day.
If you happen to be an English speaker living in Slovakia, and you want to please someone with something special, you can find not only these delicate desserts but also wonderful fruity bouquets (which I also had the pleasure to catch a glimpse of in a lift at work) by the company called Chutné kytice (Delicious Bouquets) and this is their webpage: http://www.chutnekytice.sk/ You can order the desserts and bouquets over the phone, online or personally by visiting their shop in Bratislava - Trnávka.
Jedným z cieľov, ktoré som si stanovila pre rok 2016, je aj cieľ zlepšiť si svoju francúzštinu. Už dávnejšie som však na Instagrame začala sledovať @frenchwords, ktorého zakladateľom je chlapík menom Julien Azarian, žijúci v Paríži. A čo je na Instagrame @frenchwords také zaujímavé? Julien prostredníctvom @frenchwords publikuje každý deň jedno francúzske slovo, slovné spojenie alebo frazeologizmus, v jednotnom dizajne, kde francúzsky výraz hrá ústrednú úlohu, prípadne je doplnený jednoduchou kresbou, ktorá ešte viac pomáha zapamätať si dané slovo. @frenchwords sú mimoriadne obľúbené nielen na Instagrame, ale aj na Pintereste, kde Instagramove príspevky @frenchwords pripínajú a zdieľajú tisíce milovníkov francúzskeho jazyka. Ak máte aj vy v obľube tento nádherný jazyk a chcete sa v ňom trocha zlepšiť, a o @frenchwords ste doteraz ešte nepočuli, vrelo odporúčam, aby ste ho na Instagrame začali sledovať. Ak hovoríte po francúzsky plynule, minimálne vám slovo či fráza denne urobí radosť alebo dokonca vás možno aj rozosmeje (aj také tam sú ;)
A tu je len niekoľko mojich najobľúbenejších:
One of the goals I set myself for 2016 is to improve my French. It's been some time since I started to follow @frenchwords on Instagram, the founder of which is a guy called Julien Azarian from Paris. And what's so interesting about the Instagram @frenchwords? By means of @frenchwords Julien publishes daily a French word or phrase, in an unified style, where a French expression plays a centre role, supplemented sometimes by a simple drawing, helping to remember the particular word even better. @frenchwords are extremely popular not only on Instagram but on Pinterest as well, where Instagram posts of @frenchwords are being shared by thousands of lovers of French language. If you also like this wonderful language and you'd like to improve and you haven't heard about @frenchwords yet, I highly recommend you to start to follow it on Instagram. In case you already speak French fluently, one phrase a day can at least cheer you up or even make you laugh ;)
Above you can find a handful of my favourites.
Coldplay - A Head Full of Dreams
(New Album 2015)
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Zdroj/Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ |
Posledné dva týždne boli pre mňa mimoriadne náročné a počas oboch som už nedočkavo čakala na víkend, aby som si mohla konečne aspoň trocha oddýchnuť. A keď som sa konečne dopracovala k piatkovému večeru, v mysli mi začala hrať pieseň od Coldplay - Hymn for the Weekend, ktorú som prvýkrát počula keď som po sviatkoch cestovala v aute s bratrancom. Na cesty autom s bratrancom sa vždy veľmi teším, nielen preto, že sa v pohodlí a rýchlo odveziem z jedného konca republiky na druhý, ale tiež preto, že je veľmi príjemným spoločníkom a vždy má pripravený nejaký skvelý playlist :)
Pieseň Hymn for the Weekend pochádza z najnovšieho albumu Coldplay, ktorý vyšiel 4. decembra 2015, pod názvom Head Full of Dreams, a vznikla v spolupráci s Beyoncé. Je to optimistická, energická skladba pre všetkých, ktorí milujú víkendy tak ako ja :)
Last two weeks were exceptionally tough for me and I've been impatiently waiting for the weekend to come so I can relax at least a bit. And when I finally managed to reach the Friday evening, my mind started to play the song Hymn for the Weekend by Coldplay, I heard for the first time when after holidays I drove in a car with my cousin. I always look forward to drives with my cousin and not only because I can comfortably commute from one side of the Slovak Republic to the other but also because he is very pleasant companion and has always some excellent playlist at his disposal :)
Song Hymn for the Weekend originates from the new Coldplay album released on 4th December 2015 called Head Full of Dreams, and it is a duet of Chris Martin with Beyoncé. It's a cheerful and energetic song for everyone who loves weekends just like me :)
Last two weeks were exceptionally tough for me and I've been impatiently waiting for the weekend to come so I can relax at least a bit. And when I finally managed to reach the Friday evening, my mind started to play the song Hymn for the Weekend by Coldplay, I heard for the first time when after holidays I drove in a car with my cousin. I always look forward to drives with my cousin and not only because I can comfortably commute from one side of the Slovak Republic to the other but also because he is very pleasant companion and has always some excellent playlist at his disposal :)
Song Hymn for the Weekend originates from the new Coldplay album released on 4th December 2015 called Head Full of Dreams, and it is a duet of Chris Martin with Beyoncé. It's a cheerful and energetic song for everyone who loves weekends just like me :)
Celý album si môžete vypočuť prostredníctvom Spotify na tomto linku: / You can listen the whole album via Spotify using the link below:
Na albume tiež nájdete aj ďalšie skvelé piesne. Medzi moje najobľúbenejšie patria: / On the album you can also find other excellent songs. Among my favourites are:
Adventure of a Lifetime
Army of One
Hymn for the Weekend
Morcheeba - Even Though
Hádam najznámejšou skladbou od britskej hudobnej skupiny Morcheeba, ktorú v súčasnosti tvorí speváčka Skye Edwards a hudobníci a bratia Paul a Ross Godfreyovci, je pieseň Rome Wasn't Build in a Day. Mne sa však nedávno dostala do uší aj ich nádherná skladba Even Though z ich albumu Blood Like Lemonade (2010) a hneď sa dostala na môj zoznam v súčasnosti najobľúbenejších skladieb.
Perhaps the most famous song by the British music band Morcheeba, which currently consists of singer Skye Edwards and musicians and brothers Paul and Ross Godfrey, is the song Rome Wasn't Build in a Day. Though I've been recently captured by their other wonderful song Even Though from the album Blood Like Lemonade (2010) and it went straight to the playlist of my currently most favourite songs.
Perhaps the most famous song by the British music band Morcheeba, which currently consists of singer Skye Edwards and musicians and brothers Paul and Ross Godfrey, is the song Rome Wasn't Build in a Day. Though I've been recently captured by their other wonderful song Even Though from the album Blood Like Lemonade (2010) and it went straight to the playlist of my currently most favourite songs.
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