Jedz, modli sa, miluj - všetko v jedinej krajine
Eat, Pray, Love - All In a Single Country
Po dovolenkových zájazdoch do Lido di Jesolo, Benátok (1993) a Vieste (2003), som začala Taliansko spoznávať trocha viac aj mimo uzavretú komunitu dovolenkárov. V lete roku 2004 som sa na dva týždne ocitla v taliansko-slovenskej rodine v Savone. V roku 2013 som strávila necelé 4 úžasné novembrové dni s najlepšou kamarátkou v toskánskej Siene. No a iba pred pár týždňami som sa vrátila z poznávacieho zájazdu do Ríma. Avšak, aj napriek trocha iným jazykovým či kultúrnym preferenciám, Taliansko je krajinou, ktorá má v mojom srdci špecifické miesto, a kam sa vždy bez váhania rada vrátim, kedykoľvek sa mi na to naskytne príležitosť.
Bolo to práve pred dvoma rokmi v Siene, kde moja kamarátka, po vysnívaných štyroch mesiacoch strávených v Taliansku, prišla s jedným veľmi jednoduchým, no úplne dokonalým postrehom. Elizabeth Gilbertová vo svojom bestsellere Jedz, modli sa, miluj, následne pretvorenom aj do filmovej podoby s Juliou Roberts v hlavnej úlohe, musela navštíviť tri rôzne krajiny, aby sa naučila skutočne jesť, modliť sa a milovať. Moja kamarátka vtedy poznamenala, že ona to všetko dokáže úplne dokonale nájsť v jednej jedinej krajine a to hneď v tej, ktorú Elizabeth Gilbertová navštívila ako prvú: v Taliansku. A ja som s jej poznatkom mohla jedine súhlasiť.
Though I don't speak Italian and I've never considered to learn it, over the years Italy become the country, in which I've been to the largest number of different places - to 5 in total (see the map on top). Just behind Italy, in terms of the number of places visited, there's France on my travel list. The country a bit closer to my heart even because it's always been my dream to speak French and thanks to a couple of French language courses, I don't feel that lost in France as in Italy. However, since Italian and French both belong to Romance languages, French subconsciously helps me to understand a few Italian words more and get more orientated. To some extent English helps me in this respect too. However, over the years, I've managed to learn some Italian words too.
After vacation trips to Italy organised by a travel agency to Lido di Jesolo, Venice (1993) and Vieste (2003), I've started to get to know Italy some more, outside of close community of tourists. In summer of 2004 I found myself for two weeks in an Italian-Slovak family in Savona. In 2013 I spent whole 4 amazing November days with my best friend in Tuscan Siena. And only few weeks ago I returned from sightseeing trip to Rome. However, even due to my slightly different linguistic or cultural preferences, Italy is a country, which holds a special place in my heart. I've always been glad to return there without hesitation, whenever I've got the chance.
It was just two years ago in Siena, where my friend, after long-wished four months in Italy, came with a pretty simple and utterly perfect remark. Writer Elizabeth Gilbert in her best-selling novel Eat, Pray, Love, subsequently adapted into a motion picture, starring Julia Roberts as the main character, had to visit three different countries in order to learn the art of eating, praying and loving. My friend then said that she can easily find it all in a single country, right in the first one visited by Elizabeth Gilbert: in Italy. And I could only agree.
Bolo to práve pred dvoma rokmi v Siene, kde moja kamarátka, po vysnívaných štyroch mesiacoch strávených v Taliansku, prišla s jedným veľmi jednoduchým, no úplne dokonalým postrehom. Elizabeth Gilbertová vo svojom bestsellere Jedz, modli sa, miluj, následne pretvorenom aj do filmovej podoby s Juliou Roberts v hlavnej úlohe, musela navštíviť tri rôzne krajiny, aby sa naučila skutočne jesť, modliť sa a milovať. Moja kamarátka vtedy poznamenala, že ona to všetko dokáže úplne dokonale nájsť v jednej jedinej krajine a to hneď v tej, ktorú Elizabeth Gilbertová navštívila ako prvú: v Taliansku. A ja som s jej poznatkom mohla jedine súhlasiť.
Though I don't speak Italian and I've never considered to learn it, over the years Italy become the country, in which I've been to the largest number of different places - to 5 in total (see the map on top). Just behind Italy, in terms of the number of places visited, there's France on my travel list. The country a bit closer to my heart even because it's always been my dream to speak French and thanks to a couple of French language courses, I don't feel that lost in France as in Italy. However, since Italian and French both belong to Romance languages, French subconsciously helps me to understand a few Italian words more and get more orientated. To some extent English helps me in this respect too. However, over the years, I've managed to learn some Italian words too.
After vacation trips to Italy organised by a travel agency to Lido di Jesolo, Venice (1993) and Vieste (2003), I've started to get to know Italy some more, outside of close community of tourists. In summer of 2004 I found myself for two weeks in an Italian-Slovak family in Savona. In 2013 I spent whole 4 amazing November days with my best friend in Tuscan Siena. And only few weeks ago I returned from sightseeing trip to Rome. However, even due to my slightly different linguistic or cultural preferences, Italy is a country, which holds a special place in my heart. I've always been glad to return there without hesitation, whenever I've got the chance.
It was just two years ago in Siena, where my friend, after long-wished four months in Italy, came with a pretty simple and utterly perfect remark. Writer Elizabeth Gilbert in her best-selling novel Eat, Pray, Love, subsequently adapted into a motion picture, starring Julia Roberts as the main character, had to visit three different countries in order to learn the art of eating, praying and loving. My friend then said that she can easily find it all in a single country, right in the first one visited by Elizabeth Gilbert: in Italy. And I could only agree.
Jedz / Eat
Elizabeth Gilbertová si pre priučenie sa umeniu jesť a vychutnávať si vynikajúce jedlo, nemohla vybrať lepšiu krajinu ako Taliansko. Do Talianska sa chodí jesť a kto v Taliansku neochutnal niečo z typickej domácej kuchyne, v Taliansku akoby ani nebol.
O talianskej kuchyni sa toho popísalo a porozprávalo už veľmi veľa a urobili tak oveľa väčší odborníci na ňu, než som ja. Hoci na to nevyzerám, chuť je jedným zo zmyslov, ktorými si najradšej vychutnávam život. A to ma v tomto smere pasuje do úlohy laickej gurmánky, ktorá si rada vychutná vynikajúce jedlo. Pre istotu som si slovo gurmán vyhľadala v slovníku cudzích slov, a prekvapila ma jeho vhodnosť v tomto kontexte. Gurmán: labužník, ctiteľ jemnosti v umení. Jemnosť v umení totiž vynikajúco definuje taliansku kuchyňu. Talianska kuchyňa je tiež umením, jemným a delikátnym. Laikom som hlavne preto, že doposiaľ som v Taliansku pri jedle vždy išla do čohosi neznámeho, avšak veľmi ochotne sa pustiac do akéhokoľvek domáceho jedla, často ani netušiac čo presne idem jesť. Postačilo mi odporúčanie a pohľad na zaujímavé jedlo, naservírované na tanieri. Hádam len s výnimkou šafranovej ryže, ktorá mojim chuťovým pohárikom až tak neulahodila, bolo všetko čo som z talianskej kuchyne doposiaľ jedla, jednoducho vynikajúce a nezabudnuteľné. Od bežných potravín, cez lahodnú zmrzlinu, až po kávu (ktorá tvorí samostatnú kapitolu a akoby ani nemala patriť do odseku o jedle, ale skôr do odseku o talianskych rituáloch), počnúc cestovinami rôznych tvarov a na rôzne spôsoby (tie s čerstvou bazalkou mi budu naveky pripomínať Taliansko), cez pizzu a rôzne antipasti, vína a iné delikatesy. Čokoľvek talianske si dáte, bude to chutiť vynikajúco.
In order to learn the art of eating and enjoying delicious food, Elizabeth Gilbert could not pick better country than Italy. One goes to Italy to eat and who haven't tried something from the typical Italian cuisine, it is as if he/she hadn't been to Italy at all.
A great deal has already been written and said about Italian cuisine and it's been done by greater experts on it than me. Although I don't look like, taste is one of the senses through which I like to enjoy my life the best. Which makes me an amateur gourmet, who likes to savour delicious meal. I am amateur mainly because so far in Italy I've been always trying to taste something new, willingly getting down to every native meal, often not even being completely aware of what exactly I am about to eat. Recommendation and the very sight of a particular dish were sufficient for me. Maybe with exception of saffron rice, which somehow didn't manage to please my taste buds, everything Italian I've ever eaten was simply tasty and unforgettable. From ordinary groceries, over delicious ice cream, to coffee (which is a chapter on it's own and which as if shouldn't belong to the paragraph on food but more into a paragraph about Italian rituals), starting with pasta of different shapes and made in many different ways (the one with fresh basil will forever remind me of Italy), over pizza and different antipasti, vines and other delicacies. Whatever Italian you decide to eat it will be excellent.
Modli sa / Pray
Pre nás kresťanov je Taliansko v tomto smere celkom jasným favoritom. S históriou siahajúcou až k počiatkom kresťanstva v Európe, s pápežskym štátom priamo v srdci svojho hlavného mesta, dychberúcimi sakrálnymi stavbami, pri ktorých má človek pocit, že je k Bohu hneď akosi bližšie, ale aj s úctou k rodine, ktorá je hlboko zakorenená v povedomí Talianov, môže byť Taliansko práve tou krajinou, kde sa človek naučí veriť a modliť alebo začne veriť a modliť sa ešte viac ako doposiaľ. Ak je toto tým čo hľadá a za čím ide, v Taliansku to môže nájsť. Vzhľadom na polohu Vatikánu, je taliančina v istom zmysle aj jazykom kresťanstva.
V Taliansku som absolvovala niekoľko omší, v Savone, Siene a v Ríme, a najväčším zážitkom pre mňa doteraz bola práve nedeľná omša v Bazilike svätého Petra a na námestí, ktorú celebroval pápež František. Bola to v Ríme celkom bežná nedeľná omša s tisíckami veriacich v bazilike a na Námestí svätého Petra, po ktorej nasledovalo požehnanie pápeža aj nám, ktorí sme sa do baziliky už nedostali, na záver ktorého nám zaprial aj "Dobrú chuť!" k nedeľnému obedu. Takže... jedz, modli sa a... znova jedz ;)
For us, Christian Catholics, Italy is by far the preferred country. With history dating back to the very beginnings of Christianity in Europe, with papal state right in the heart of its capital city, breathtaking sacral buildings where one feels somehow closer to the God as well as with respect for family, deeply established in minds of Italians, Italy could easily be the country where one can start to believe and pray or believe and pray even more than before. If that's what one is looking for, it can be found in Italy. Due to the location of Vatican City, in a sense, Italian is also a language of Christianity.
I attended several masses in Italy: in Savona, Siena and in Rome but the one which left the biggest impression on me till now, was the Sunday mass in the St. Peter´s Basilica and on the Square, celebrated by pope Francis. In Rome it was such an ordinary Sunday mass with thousands of believers inside the Basilica and on the St. Peter´s Square, followed by pope´s blessings to us, who didn't make it to the Basilica, with "Enjoy your Sunday meal!" wishes. So... eat, pray and... eat again ;)
Miluj / Love
Je tak jednoduché zaľúbiť sa v Taliansku, alebo tam prežiť najromantickejšie chvíle s niekým, do koho už zaľúbený ste. To mi pripomína kamarátku, ktorej som pred rokom bola na svadbe za družičku a ktorá si spolu s manželom vybrala za destináciu svadobnej cesty práve Taliansko - roadtrip najkrajšími talianskymi mestami.
Ak ste však ešte nezadaný, resp. nezadaná a páčia sa vám južanské typy, aj v tomto prípade ste v Taliansku na tom správnom mieste. Známe "Ciao bella!" tam žena počuje takmer na každom kroku :)
It's so easy to fall in love in Italy or spend the most romantic moments with somebody you are already in love with. It reminds me of my friend, I was her bridesmaid a year ago, who together with her husband decided to spend their honeymoon in Italy - road trip through the most beautiful Italian cities and towns.
Though you are still single and you like the southern types, in that case you are in the right place in Italy too. A woman can hear the well known "Ciao bella!" almost everywhere :)
It's so easy to fall in love in Italy or spend the most romantic moments with somebody you are already in love with. It reminds me of my friend, I was her bridesmaid a year ago, who together with her husband decided to spend their honeymoon in Italy - road trip through the most beautiful Italian cities and towns.
Though you are still single and you like the southern types, in that case you are in the right place in Italy too. A woman can hear the well known "Ciao bella!" almost everywhere :)
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