Každý správny knihomoľ by mal mať minimálne jednu, vlastnú shelfie. A takto v určitom momente vyzerala tá moja. V súčasnosti už vyzerá opäť úplne inak :) A presne o týchto zmenách budú moje občasné príspevky v rubrike Shelfie.
I think that every bookworm should have at least one own shelfie. And this is how mine once looked like. Although currently it looks completely different :) And these are the changes I am going to cover in my occasional posts in the Shelfie column.
Nie sú to tri knižnice, ale stále jedna a tá istá :) Kiežby boli tri...
Kúpila som si ju ešte v predchádzajúcom podnájme, pomerne skoro po nasťahovaní, keď police v pôvodných skrinkách nestačili pojať moju existujúcu a neustále sa rozrastajúcu zbierku kníh. Po pár rokoch v kúte mojej izby, jedného dňa nastúpila do MHDečky a vystúpila na nasledujúcej zastávke. Celkom vážne! Keď som sa v lete 2014 sťahovala do nového podnájmu, nechcelo sa nám ju rozkladať a znova skladať a do auta sa nám nezmestila. Tak sa môj otec podujal, že ju presťahuje autobusom mestskej hromadnej dopravy, čo vo mne v prvom momente vzbudilo výbuch smiechu. Až po chvíli som si uvedomila, že to myslí úplne vážne a začala som pochybovať, či to vôbec bude možné a aký dojem asi bude vzbudzovať šedivý pán s policovou skriňou v autobuse. A tak napokon otec so skriňou najprv pár metrov utekal, aby stihol autobus a knihovnička sa nemusela viezť viac ako jednu zastávku, držal seba aj knihovničku, ktorú kvôli držadlám nebolo možné v autobuse zmysluplne postaviť, až nás napokon čakal pred vchodom, keď sme s bratrancom prišli autom aj s kartónovými krabicami plnými kníh v kufri.
No, there are not three bookcases but still the one and the same :) If only there were three...
I bought it formerly for my previous lodging, quite soon after I moved in, because of very limited space of the existing shelves which were unable to accommodate my existing and constantly growing collection of books. After few years in the corner of my room, one day she took a bus and got off on the next stop. No kidding! When I was moving to a new lodging in summer 2014, we don't wanted to dismantle it and then put it together again and it was too big to fit into the car. So my dad volunteered to move it by public transport which at first made me burst into laughter. Only after a while I realised that he is totally serious and I started to doubt if it's possible at all and what impression will give a grey haired man with a bookcase in a bus. And eventually, my dad first ran few metres with the bookshelf to catch a bus, so that it doesn't need to travel more than one stop, he had to hold himself as well as the bookcase, since there was no mean how to put it to a reasonable position due to all the handles and finally he was waiting for us in front of my new home, when we came by car, with cardboard boxes full of my books in the trunk.
Jedným z mojich najväčších snov je vytvoriť si vlastnú knižnicu. V mojej mysli existujú dve predstavy. Menej reálnou predstavou sú steny obložené policami plnými kníh, s rebríkom a poschodím v podobe galérie, na ktorej budú steny obložené ďalšími policami plnými kníh, striedané sem-tam holými stenami, na ktorých budú zavesené originály obrazov. Tou oveľa reálnejšou predstavou je väčší jednoizbový byt a obojstranné police, s knihami na jednej aj druhej strane, tvoriace deliacu stenu medzi spálňou a obývačkou.
One of my biggest dreams is to create my own library. There are two ideas on my mind. The less realistic idea consists of walls laid by bookshelves full of books, with ladder and another floor in form of a gallery, with another walls of bookshelves full of books alternating with several bare walls with hanging original paintings. The much more probable imagination is a larger one bedroom apartment and two-sided bookshelves, with books on both sides, forming a parting-wall between bedroom and living-room.
Medzi mnou a mojou knižnicou prebieha neustála interakcia. Ja pretváram ju, nakupovaním a ukladaním nových kníh, a ona spätne pretvára mňa, keď postupne vyberám a čítam knihy, ktoré sú jej obsahom. V súčasnosti, je s nákupom nových kníh, centrom neustálych zmien a už teraz viem, že o pár týždňov, mesiacov, a celkom určite koncom tohto roka, bude vyzerať úplne inak. Skôr či neskôr možno budem musieť dokúpiť aj ďalší policový diel.
Práve preto som sa rozhodla zaradiť do môjho blogu aj túto občasnú rubriku s názvom Shelfie, v ktorej vám párkrát do roka poskytnem krátku prehliadku mojej knižnice. V istom smere pôjde o akési doplnenie mojej mesačnej rubriky Knižný lúp (o nových prírastkoch do mojej knižnice) a formu rekapitulácie, ako aj o finálnu zmenu, ktorá prebehla nielen v obsahu mojej knižnice, ale možno aj vo mne samej.
There's constant interaction between me and my bookcase. I change it by buying and shelving new books and in return it changes me, when I subsequently pick out and read the books which form its contents. Nowadays, with monthly purchasing of new books, it is a subject to continuous changes and even now I know that in a few weeks, months and by the end of the year for sure, it will look completely different. Soon or later I will probably have to add a new bookshelf set to it.
That's why, I've decided to introduce this occasional column called Shelfie, in which I am going to provide you few times a year with an updated bookshelf tour. In a way, it will be a kind of a supplement to my monthly column Book Haul (about new acquisitions to my library) and a form of recap, as well as with the final change that took place not only in the contents of my bookcase but perhaps also inside of me.
Kúpila som si ju ešte v predchádzajúcom podnájme, pomerne skoro po nasťahovaní, keď police v pôvodných skrinkách nestačili pojať moju existujúcu a neustále sa rozrastajúcu zbierku kníh. Po pár rokoch v kúte mojej izby, jedného dňa nastúpila do MHDečky a vystúpila na nasledujúcej zastávke. Celkom vážne! Keď som sa v lete 2014 sťahovala do nového podnájmu, nechcelo sa nám ju rozkladať a znova skladať a do auta sa nám nezmestila. Tak sa môj otec podujal, že ju presťahuje autobusom mestskej hromadnej dopravy, čo vo mne v prvom momente vzbudilo výbuch smiechu. Až po chvíli som si uvedomila, že to myslí úplne vážne a začala som pochybovať, či to vôbec bude možné a aký dojem asi bude vzbudzovať šedivý pán s policovou skriňou v autobuse. A tak napokon otec so skriňou najprv pár metrov utekal, aby stihol autobus a knihovnička sa nemusela viezť viac ako jednu zastávku, držal seba aj knihovničku, ktorú kvôli držadlám nebolo možné v autobuse zmysluplne postaviť, až nás napokon čakal pred vchodom, keď sme s bratrancom prišli autom aj s kartónovými krabicami plnými kníh v kufri.
No, there are not three bookcases but still the one and the same :) If only there were three...
I bought it formerly for my previous lodging, quite soon after I moved in, because of very limited space of the existing shelves which were unable to accommodate my existing and constantly growing collection of books. After few years in the corner of my room, one day she took a bus and got off on the next stop. No kidding! When I was moving to a new lodging in summer 2014, we don't wanted to dismantle it and then put it together again and it was too big to fit into the car. So my dad volunteered to move it by public transport which at first made me burst into laughter. Only after a while I realised that he is totally serious and I started to doubt if it's possible at all and what impression will give a grey haired man with a bookcase in a bus. And eventually, my dad first ran few metres with the bookshelf to catch a bus, so that it doesn't need to travel more than one stop, he had to hold himself as well as the bookcase, since there was no mean how to put it to a reasonable position due to all the handles and finally he was waiting for us in front of my new home, when we came by car, with cardboard boxes full of my books in the trunk.
Jedným z mojich najväčších snov je vytvoriť si vlastnú knižnicu. V mojej mysli existujú dve predstavy. Menej reálnou predstavou sú steny obložené policami plnými kníh, s rebríkom a poschodím v podobe galérie, na ktorej budú steny obložené ďalšími policami plnými kníh, striedané sem-tam holými stenami, na ktorých budú zavesené originály obrazov. Tou oveľa reálnejšou predstavou je väčší jednoizbový byt a obojstranné police, s knihami na jednej aj druhej strane, tvoriace deliacu stenu medzi spálňou a obývačkou.
One of my biggest dreams is to create my own library. There are two ideas on my mind. The less realistic idea consists of walls laid by bookshelves full of books, with ladder and another floor in form of a gallery, with another walls of bookshelves full of books alternating with several bare walls with hanging original paintings. The much more probable imagination is a larger one bedroom apartment and two-sided bookshelves, with books on both sides, forming a parting-wall between bedroom and living-room.
There's constant interaction between me and my bookcase. I change it by buying and shelving new books and in return it changes me, when I subsequently pick out and read the books which form its contents. Nowadays, with monthly purchasing of new books, it is a subject to continuous changes and even now I know that in a few weeks, months and by the end of the year for sure, it will look completely different. Soon or later I will probably have to add a new bookshelf set to it.
That's why, I've decided to introduce this occasional column called Shelfie, in which I am going to provide you few times a year with an updated bookshelf tour. In a way, it will be a kind of a supplement to my monthly column Book Haul (about new acquisitions to my library) and a form of recap, as well as with the final change that took place not only in the contents of my bookcase but perhaps also inside of me.
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