Ako už možno viete z mojich predchádzajúcich príspevkov, mojim snom je mať raz vlastný byt a v ňom nádhernú knižnicu plnú kníh. Začiatkom roka 2015 som si preto dala novoročné predsavzatie, že si každý mesiac kúpim minimálne jednu knihu. Avšak, ako to pri novoročných predsavzatiach väčšinou býva, to svoje som takmer porušila hneď v januári, kedy som kvôli iným výdavkom nemala v pláne kúpiť si ani jednu knihu. No nestalo sa tak a do mojej knižnice predsa len pribudli dva knižné poklady.
Maybe you already know from my previous posts that my dream is to have my own flat with wonderful bookcase full of books. That's why, beginning of the year 2015 I made a New Years resolution that I will purchase at least one book each month. However, you know how it is when it comes to New Years resolutions, and I almost broke mine straight in January, when due to some other expenses I didn't plan to buy any book. Yet it did not happen and after all I've been able to add two book treasures to my library.
Predobjednávka / Pre-order of Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances by Neil Gaiman
Paperback, Published February 3rd 2015 by Headline.
O pripravovanej novinke od Neila Gaimana, ktorá vyšla 3. februára 2015 som sa dozvedela úplnou náhodou ešte koncom roka 2014, keď som pri prehľadávaní Amazonu medzi Gaimanovými knihami zbadala jednu, ktorú nepoznám. Hneď som si ju uložila do poličky 'To Read' na Goodreads s tým, že raz si ju určite kúpim. S predpredajmi kníh na internete som doposiaľ nemala dobré skúsenosti. Vlastne, mala som jednu, keď som si v auguste 2014 dopredu objednala anglickú verziu knihy Cudzoložstvo od Paula Coelha. Kým mi však bola kniha doručená, všetci ju už mali prečítanú a dokonca vyšiel aj slovenský preklad.
I've learned about the upcoming book by Neil Gaiman, published on 3rd February 2015, only by chance late in 2014, when by browsing Gaiman's books on Amazon, I noticed one I didn't know. I saved it to the 'To Read' shelf on Goodreads immediately with intention to buy it sometime for sure. So far I haven't had very good experience with internet book pre-orders. Actually, I had one, when back in August 2014 I pre-ordered English translation of Adultery by Paulo Coelho. However, in the meantime till the book has been delivered to me, everybody has already read it and it has even been translated and published in Slovak.
I've learned about the upcoming book by Neil Gaiman, published on 3rd February 2015, only by chance late in 2014, when by browsing Gaiman's books on Amazon, I noticed one I didn't know. I saved it to the 'To Read' shelf on Goodreads immediately with intention to buy it sometime for sure. So far I haven't had very good experience with internet book pre-orders. Actually, I had one, when back in August 2014 I pre-ordered English translation of Adultery by Paulo Coelho. However, in the meantime till the book has been delivered to me, everybody has already read it and it has even been translated and published in Slovak.
K tomu, aby som opätovne skúsila internetový predpredaj, ma podnietil príspevok mojej obľúbenej dánskej blogerky Rikke, o knižných novinkách, na ktoré sa teší v roku 2015. Doposiaľ som nevlastnila žiadnu z Gaimanových kníh. Stardust (Hviezdny prach) som ešte počas vysokej školy videla najprv vo filmovom spracovaní, a potom mi spolubývajúca s výborným literárnym vkusom, požičala aj knihu. Bolo to paperback vydanie od britského vydavateľstva Headline Review, v čiernom obale s lesklou potlačou, ktorá na ňom nádherne vynikla, a s roztrasenými písmenami mena autora a názvu knihy. Obal dokonale stelesňoval magický obsah vnútri. Odvtedy však prešlo zopár rokov, zopár Biblioték v Bratislave, kde som ešte zazrela Gaimanove knihy z tejto edície, prešlo bez jedinej kúpy a čierna edícia sa pomaly vytratila z pultov kníhkupectiev i internetových obchodov, ani neviem presne ako a kedy. Keby som to vtedy vedela, kúpila by som ich všetky.
A tak mi nezostávalo nič iné, ako sa uspokojiť s novšou, farebnejšou edíciou Gaimanových kníh vydavateľstva Headline Review, so záhadnými vetvami v pozadí. Aj to som nedávno zistila, že Headline vydáva knihy vo formáte A a B, takže zohnať edíciu veľkostne ladiacich kníh si bude vyžadovať trocha starostlivejší výber.
Ale vrátim sa k mojej predobjednávke. Zodpovedajúci paperback som napokon našla na stránke The Book Depository a objednala som si ho. Nebol síce najlacnejší (stále však lacnejší ako tvrdá väzba), ale... život knihomoľa je niekedy ťažký. Bola som pripravená na to, že po 3. februári si na knihu ešte nejaký ten týždeň počkám, keď mi po pár dňoch prišiel e-mail od The Book Depository, ktorý mi oznamoval, že vydavateľ sa rozhodol uvoľniť knihu skôr, takže budem medzi prvými, ktorí si ju budú môcť prečítať. Tá správa mi urobila obrovskú radosť.
A naozaj, kniha mi bola doručená presne 5. februára 2015, len dva dni po jej oficiálnom vydaní vo Veľkej Británii, a ja som dostala aj prekvapené "Wow" od kolegu. Plán na štvrtkový večer, ako aj na všetky nasledujúce bol istý a fantastický. Viac o jej obsahu sa dozviete v inom príspevku, ktorý venujem špeciálne tejto knihe.
I've been encouraged to give pre-order second chance by a post by my favourite Danish blogger Rikke on book releases she's looking forward to in 2015. I haven't owned any book by Gaiman. I've seen Stardust during my university studies, first as a movie and then my roommate with great literary taste lent me a book as well. It was paperback edition by British publisher Headline Review, in black cover with shiny embossed images wonderfully coming into the fore and with shaky lettering of author's name and title of the book. The cover represented perfectly the magical content inside. Since then, a couple of Biblioteka expos in Bratislava, where I caught a glimpse of Gaiman's books from this edition, passed without a single purchase and the black edition slowly faded away from bookshops and internet booksellers, I don't really know how and when. If only I knew it then, I would have bought them all.
So I was left to settle for a newer, more colourful edition of Gaiman's books by Headline Review publishers, with mysterious branches in the background. Moreover, I recently found out that Headline publishes books in size A and B. So it will require more careful selection to couple an edition of books of the same size.
But I will go back to my pre-order. I've eventually found the suitable paperback at The Book Depository and I ordered it. It wasn't very cheap (but still cheaper than the hardback) but... life of a bookworm is tough sometimes. I was prepared that after 3rd February I will have to wait some time for my book to be delivered. However, after few days I received an e-mail from The Book Depository, informing me that the publisher decided to release the book sooner, so I could be among the first ones who will be able to read it. Those news made my day.
And indeed, the book has been delivered straight on 5th February 2015, only 2 days after it's official release in Great Britain, and I received stunned "Wow" from a colleague too. So the plan for Thursday's night and every other night since has been saved and supposed to be fantastic. You will find more about this book in a special post devoted especially to this book.
The River by Rumer Godden
Hardcover, Published August 2nd 2012 by Virago.
Príznám sa, že o autorke Rumer Godden toho veľa neviem. Vyrastala v Indii a v tomto prostredí sa odohráva aj príbeh románu The River (Rieka). Moje rozhodnutie zaradiť túto knižku do mojej knižnice a na môj čitateľský zoznam, bolo inšpirované hlavne objavením nádhernej knižnej edície vydavateľstva Virago, pod názvom Virago Modern Classics' Coming of Age Collection (edícia Dospievanie). Edícia celkovo pozostáva zo šiestich kníh v tvrdej väzbe od rôznych autorov. Prekrásne obálky kníh sú dielom americkej ilustrátorky Miri Nameth. Viac z jej tvorby nájdete tu. Pre mňa, ako obdivovateľku umenia a kreatívnu dušu milujúcu knihy, teda v tomto prípade ide o zaujímavé spojenie hneď niekoľkých mojich záujmov. Vďaka tejto knižke spoznám nielen (pre mňa) novú autorku a príbeh, ale aj umelkyňu s krásnymi, inšpiratívnymi prácami.
I have to admit that I don't know much about Rumer Godden. She grew up in India and the story of her novel The River is set in this country as well. My decision to include this book to my library and to my reading list, was mainly inspired by discovery of a beautiful book edition by Virago publishing, called Virago Modern Classics' Coming of Age Collection. The collection comprises six hardback titles by different authors. The wonderful covers are works of American illustrator Mira Nameth. You can find more of her creations here. For me, as an art-lover, creative soul and booklover, this is an interesting combination of several of my interests. Thanks to this book I'm going to get to know not only (for me) a new author and her story, but an artist with beautiful, inspiring works as well.
I have to admit that I don't know much about Rumer Godden. She grew up in India and the story of her novel The River is set in this country as well. My decision to include this book to my library and to my reading list, was mainly inspired by discovery of a beautiful book edition by Virago publishing, called Virago Modern Classics' Coming of Age Collection. The collection comprises six hardback titles by different authors. The wonderful covers are works of American illustrator Mira Nameth. You can find more of her creations here. For me, as an art-lover, creative soul and booklover, this is an interesting combination of several of my interests. Thanks to this book I'm going to get to know not only (for me) a new author and her story, but an artist with beautiful, inspiring works as well.