As the 2016 is drawing to an end and I've started to wonder about the number of books I am going to read in 2017 within the Goodreads 2017 Reading Challenge, I became a bit frustrated. Well, I love to read and I'd love to read as many books as I could BUT I am rather a slow reader, savoring books rather than devouring them AND I am one of those bookworms who love long, thick books. And I haven't read one for a pretty long time and I really miss it.
I am not sure how my 2017 is going to look like (my 2016 turned out to be totally different from what I planned it to be (it actually turned out to be even better than I planned ;) though with less time for reading) and from my original target of reading 25 books I had to retreat to 12 (in the end I've managed to read 13 well before the end of 2016). Moreover, next year I also plan to go through my European integration library (only a shelf actually ;) consisting of some real bricks (especially when placed into a women handbag).
So all in all for 2017 I've again decided to go for 12 books (leaving larger amounts for some calmer years - I definitely have to go for 100 books some time ;) though, not claiming exactness of the number or that all books I am going to read in 2017 are going to be long but the small target will finally allow me to include some heavyweights into my TBR list too. Yes! :)